Choose PreVender for a secure, efficient, and reliable ampoule management solution.

Enhance Security and Efficiency with PreVender
PreVender is an easy-to-use, easy-to-install ampoule dispensing system designed to prevent and detect theft or diversion of pharmaceuticals, reducing the risk of drug addiction among healthcare providers and increase patient safety.

Enhance Security and Efficiency with PreVender
PreVender is an easy-to-use, easy-to-install ampoule dispensing system designed to prevent and detect theft or diversion of pharmaceuticals, reducing the risk of drug addiction among healthcare providers and increase patient safety.

Controlled Dispensing
PreVender dispenses the exact type and quantity of drugs requested, limiting access to large quantities and ensuring a one-way flow of ampoules through individual logins.

Real-Time Monitoring
Supervisors can access real-time descriptive statistics at both individual and ward levels, and set dispensing limitations to enhance control.

Simple Installation
Requiring only a power supply and WiFi, PreVender fits seamlessly into almost any existing medication storage room.