Dispenses single ampules

PreVender dispenses single ampules in comparison to other dispensers which often dispenses pills or provide access to large quantities of a requested type af drug once login is complete

Can be installed anywhere

PreVender differ from other dispensers by its very limited size. Prevender is 00x00x00 and can be installed in any excisting room, shelf or larger cubard used for storage of drugs. It only requires a power supply.

Assist in prevention

PreVender uses an AI to detect users in high-risk of misuse of recreational drugs. This allows for prevention and offers a unique social responsible approach towards valuable emploies for companies choosing to use PreVender.

Assist in improved patient pain management

Healthcare professionals in patient facing roles who request no or low quantities of pain management drugs are more likely to undertreat their patients while healthcare professionals who request larger quantities are more likely to overtreat their patients. PreVender can assist in flagging these issues for further patient quality control or patient risk assessments. Ensure your patients receive the care they deserve with PreVender’s advanced monitoring capabilities.